![]() 09/01/2013 at 10:49 • Filed to: DragonCon, Cars, Photos, Cosplay | ![]() | ![]() |
Each year in Atlanta there is a convergence of three groups of extreme fandom on a single weekend. First, we have these folks:
Lets call them Homo Sapiens Circletracus. They are easily identified by the fact that their plumage has been changed to match their favorite driver's colors, they identify with a number more than an name, they are likely sporting business in front and a party in the back and mid to lower cost beer is the main form of sustenance. We have a large swarm of these folks at Atlanta Motor Speedway this weekend for the Advocare 500. They will largely stick to the bars and convenience stores of the south side of town.
Next we have Homo Sapiens Footbalus Nopayus.
These people are also identifiable by changes in plumage to match their favorite teams, but where the NASCAR fans have 46 or more drivers to choose from, these folks only have 2 options at any given event. That means they have to go all out to be noticed by the opposite sex, or better, the TV cameras. While their main form sustenance is beer as well, they do tend to seek out higher alcohol content beverages. Other behaviors include blind devotion to teams simply because they reside in their same state or city, undying love to the team's coach regardless of what kind of things he gets up to and a desire to give money to "student" athletes who "can't" take it due to the "rules". The Chik-Fil-A Kick Off at the Georgia Dome brings these people out in droves.
Finally, we have these people. Homo Sapiens Cosplayerous. This branch of the species can have wildly differing plumage with very little in the way of framework to keep them under control. They will drink just about anything. Some will eat just about anything. They will make every effort to do something unique, creative and fun to show how awesome they are and to get the acceptance of their peers at the annual DragonCon festival in downtown Atlanta. It is this group of highly spandexed people, and more specifically their cars, that we will focus on in this post.
Each year, my wife and I take our kids to the DragonCon parade so "they can see all the funny people in their costumes." Fact of the matter is that if we had the balls, and a bit more creativity, we would probably attend the convention ourselves. We are geeks and there is no denying it. One of the things I like to focus on are the interesting uses of cars in the parade. There are several notable cars in comics, TV and film that touch a nerve in the American psyche. A good number of the folks who take part in DragonCon let their fandom go past their costume and into what they drive or what their favorite character drove. Lets take a look at cars that showed up this year. Note: All photos are mine unless noted.
This amazing Mach 5 is a regular at the parade.
Of course, the 1960s Batmobile was in attendance along with every incarnation of the defender of Gotham City and his chums.
Two wheels good, Batman?
We all know the BMW E30 is one of the "chosen" cars of those who frequent this site. Apparently, supernatural beings like them as well. As can be seen here, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! likes to ride in style in 1980s era BMW metal.
While there were no Tyrannosaur chasing it, this Jeep was definitely a looker.
The law from Mega-City One showed up. Of course, they are dispensing immediate justice in a Hummer.
He be rolling.
Who you gonna call? Well, you have three choices. I vote for the original.
But even if the cars are different, there can only be four original Ghostbusters. Ernie "Winston Zeddmore" Hudson was in attendance.
How about some high priced decals and badges on your Camaro? Also, is it a social faux pas for a Transformer to not get all its bits tucked away when it changes into vehicle form? Is that like leaving your fly down?
Pirates and your typical E-Series van? I can see it.
Not all vehicles are know far and wide and not all are based off a GM chassis. I have no idea what this is supposed to be.
Sometimes Captain America needs a little help from the US military-industrial complex.
Sometimes he needs a bit more.
Steampunk Alternate Reality American Eagle...on a Toyota.
Not everything in the parade got its start in the funny books. Some come from other realms.
Zombies drive Dodge. Kind of appropriate.
Leading the vampires down the route.
A Z. No idea where it is from.
Star Fleet issued moped.
This being Atlanta, home of the Walking Dead, we take our zombies seriously. Being mobile during the upcoming Zombie apocalypse will be key.
It's not all about brute force though. Sometimes you want speed, handling and a touch of Italian styling to get you through the masses of undead.
"But wait", you are asking, "Where is the Panther? This can't be a Jalopnik post without a Panther". Here you go. Get off my lawn.
While stylish, I don't think this buggy offers enough protection if you get swarmed by flesh eaters.
Zombie tourism?
Just creepy.
Yo, Joe!
It came from outer-space...in an oldtimey way.
Now, we have the nexus of many of our childhoods. Star Wars. While the Star Wars vehicles were down this year, we did have Jabba's Barge complete with DJ.
And finally, of Colt 45 fame, as well as the administrator of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian, Mr. Billy D Williams.
The parade, on the whole, is a great time. Adults love it because we grew up with the characters, the kids love the costumes and it allows those who aren't attending the convention to get a glimpse the creativity these people put into their hobby. It's not every day that you can check out a lovingly created ECTO 1 or see a deity in a BMW.
Below is a selection of the characters and costumes in the parade. Not car related, but still fun.
Zombie Village People
I love me some Venture Bros.
Image Credits:
![]() 09/01/2013 at 11:08 |
The steampunk bird is from Bioshock Infinite.
The candy cart is from Wreck it Ralph, and I have to say that they did a good job on it.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 11:16 |
It is a great shame that the Jurassic Park Jeep isn't towing a T-Rex on a trailer, although building you own dinosaur can't be very easy (otherwise we'd all have done it).
![]() 09/01/2013 at 11:19 |
LOVE the diversity. Thanks for sharing.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 11:47 |
Well I have never been to Dragon Con, and I had no idea that the first two groups existed. I hope that they do not take up much space/resources.
Thanks for the pictures.
I had a friend who took his steampunk segway (spell?) a few years ago. It's a shame that he doesn't get more use out of it.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 11:48 |
Someone I talked to at the science museum would agree with you.
Putting dinosaurs together isn't easy, even when all the pieces have been provided.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:26 |
FYI, there was a Batmobile broken down on the side of I-75 north on the southside yesterday, I couldn't grab a picture.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:26 |
Good to see you holding our end up! Came down here to kick ass and place names but you beat me to it!
It was kinda painful to read his descriptions... :p
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:31 |
American "soccer" fans are so sweet I remember one galaxy fan commenting on how hard core they where for standing up all the time - You can imagine David Beckham smiling and thinking yeah right you try walking out at a Galatasaray S.K. home game mate.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:33 |
Love the lady vulcan science officer and her tricorder.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:33 |
Don't judge now, he worked with what he knows.
Put yourself in his shoes trying to describe something you don't know about.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:37 |
We went to the Chick FIL A kickoff game between Tennessee and NC State last year and also watched the parade and got some similarly cool pictures. Pretty awesome stuff some people are doing. Also, there were some DragonCon events at the World Congress Center right beside the Georgia Dome and they have the fan fest for the football outside, so there is quite a bit of mixing in that area. Pretty cool so many events can take place at one time there.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:42 |
Oh, totally agree!
But tell me you didn't wince when you saw the songbird... :p
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:49 |
Old skool Xena cosplay! YES!
![]() 09/01/2013 at 12:57 |
Ok, fine.....
![]() 09/01/2013 at 13:03 |
Went to DragonCon in my early teenage years and had a blast surprised it is still going so strong. That year they had a Betty Paige lookalike contest which permanently scrambled my mind. There is always so much going on at these things I am amazed people actually leave.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 13:07 |
Hey look, i've been mocked by car-nut mates for not know the difference between a cam-shaft or a camry.... let me do at least a little 'ha-ha' without the guilt! :)
![]() 09/01/2013 at 13:11 |
"This is AAA, how can I help you?"
"Quick old chum, send assistance!"
"Can you describe your car, sir?"
"Well, it is bat black, with bat tires, bat lights, bat..."
![]() 09/01/2013 at 13:27 |
My favorite is the Stormtroopers in kilts
![]() 09/01/2013 at 13:42 |
Nerds, there has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise nerds. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror. Oh, why am I no longer the gayest looking dude here?
![]() 09/01/2013 at 13:50 |
I don't follow sports, so I have no idea what you said.
Soccer is a ball, generally with a black and white hexagon pattern.
I think Beckham was a guy in a Pepsi commercial, and he does seem to smile a lot.
And mate is something I do sometimes on a mattress, or it's the end of a chess game.
I didn't much understand the rest.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 14:01 |
One has to love the Laurel and Hardy Halo guys.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 14:04 |
Dragoncon was the best people watching that money could buy when I was in college.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 14:27 |
Disturbing implications here.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 14:41 |
They tend to rotate members of their crew who get to ride up front. Two guys the last time they were there.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 15:07 |
According to Daniel Tosh, it's 5 Grand to rent out this bad boy.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 15:09 |
I think the one "car" you can't identify is Vanellope von Schweetz's race kart from "Wreck it Ralph"
ALSO: If you can get around to the actual convention one year... DO IT! They have some pretty cool panels, and a lot more people watching inside. Right now (days after the convention) is the best time to buy passes for next year. They're usually about 60% off.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 15:19 |
As seen on Japonese TV?
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![]() 09/01/2013 at 15:32 |
Thanks for the tip on the passes. Should just pull the trigger and do it. We could always pull out our Red Bull Soapbox race costumes and wear those in a pinch.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 15:33 |
The clone commando is awesome sauce.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 16:15 |
Yes. They are wearing far too many clothes for accuracy. Also, they are women. And no stab wounds. God, it's like these people didn't even TRY.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 16:17 |
Because they obviously didn't choose to do that...right? Parades are so sexist yo.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 16:21 |
"Yeah, I think the reactor went down, so the turbine won't come up to speed. Better send a truck... don't worry about a tow rope, just have him drive by slow, and we'll hook on with our bat-a-rang..."
![]() 09/01/2013 at 16:41 |
If you can make it to only one con next year, make it Dragon*Con. You won't be sorry.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 16:50 |
I was just watching that Friday night!
![]() 09/01/2013 at 17:23 |
need more pics of that Dr. Girlfriend. . .
![]() 09/01/2013 at 18:23 |
Saw this vehicle at the Woodward Dream Cruise as well, it's a regular there every year. Love it.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 18:54 |
Oh, is that what was going on there? I was about to comment on how funny the fat Master Chief was.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 18:56 |
The Flying Spaghetti Monster/Cthulhu car cracked me up. And FSM willing, I WILL have a Jurassic Park Jeep.
![]() 09/01/2013 at 20:17 |
Batman, why won't you save us fromthe furries!?
![]() 09/01/2013 at 20:56 |
![]() 09/01/2013 at 23:05 |
Holy overloaded tongue weight, batman!
Also, the vehicle you "don't know" is a candyland racer from Wreck It Ralph.
![]() 09/02/2013 at 01:29 |
My second year for my wife and I to take the kids...it's amazingly fun...but we missed the parade again. D'oh!
![]() 09/02/2013 at 01:39 |
The poor cylon car came dragging up at the end of the parade with a couple very unhappy looking people on it.
![]() 09/02/2013 at 02:29 |
I was there at Dragon Con this year. What fun. The parade
Is always great!
![]() 09/02/2013 at 04:28 |
You missed the fourth, and arguably largest group Homosexualus Africanus, as its Black Gay Pride weekend in Atlanta.
![]() 09/02/2013 at 06:41 |
It's hard to be really fat and pull off a Master Chief costume.
Just sayin'.
![]() 09/02/2013 at 08:36 |
You took your kids to the convention? How was that? Any tips?
![]() 09/02/2013 at 18:09 |
Idk. I highly doubt that that was intentional, but it's definitely the first thing to cross my mind when I saw it and I thought it was hysterical. Although, to be honest; I don't get the whole Cosplay thing period and so I generally find it all pretty amusing.
![]() 09/02/2013 at 21:34 |
If that wasn't their plan, somebody should do it haha.
I've never done cosplay or even been to any been to any of the big cons, but I can see the appeal. There's a certain amount of craftsmanship that goes into most costumes, and I guess it's a hobby for some people. Like I said, I would love to build replica Jurassic Park YJ (there's a whole forum dedicated to them). It would almost be like having a life size action figure I suppose. On the weekends we like to go for a drive, wrench on our cars, or go racing, this more or less fulfills the same need. It's all bout hanging with people who have a common interest.
![]() 09/02/2013 at 22:31 |
It was great...my wife and I don't do the cosplay, and the kids talk about it but don't follow through. Some people clearly spend a fortune...we'd help the kids out, but at $50 per person per day pass, they will be homemade. We were making some t-shirts, but ultimately, just headed out to enjoy the day in our regular Saturday clothes. Tips...our kids are 13 and 12, so they're old enough to enjoy it, but not so old they're too cool. Bring water...it's Atlanta, it's August, and it's hot. Don't throw away your empty bottles, because they have the large tanks in the panels, and I refilled ours. There are about 50,000 attendees, with many thousands of people in some level of costume...it is truly fun. Last year, we didn't take advantage of the various panels, going to only two. This year, we sat in on four and didn't get as hot or tired. An hour in an air conditioned room is easier to bear than an hour outside or swamped by people. We saw the panels for Grimm, Continuum, and The Walking Dead...we sat through part of Shatner (I was very jazzed to see him), but he was an asshole...a HUGE disappointment. I highly recommend taking your family (it you let your kids see PG-13 movies, you'll be fine), Becasue its a great shared experience. Just make sure they're old enough to walk all day and just enjoy it. we didn't spend much extra...last year I met Gil Gerard (Buck Rogers...my favorite as a kid), but they charge for an autograph and photo op. Gil wad pretty cool...of course, I paid him $30 or so, so why wouldnt he be? I was about to get an autograph from Malcomb McDowell this year, but he was charging $60...um...no thanks. Still, they're there to meet. We live in the area, do its simple for us to go...we did on-site regisration both years. you wait about 30-90 minutes, but they dont seem to limit the passes. Getting a room would be awesome, but they go into the $500 plus range per night on-site...so we drive in for the day. Either way, I highly recommend giving it a shot with the kids. We had a great time!
![]() 09/03/2013 at 09:33 |
Thanks for the info. Our kids our younger, so it sounds like it would be smart to leave them at home for a few years. We are local as well, so we could avoid the hotel fees.
![]() 09/04/2013 at 01:03 |
If you can get an all day sitter, I'd definitely recommend going. It's a good time, and has a pretty good variety once you're there.
![]() 09/09/2013 at 16:34 |
My wife and I had a great time, too. We went for all 4 days and made it to 13 panels overall and the parade. It was our first time and it was so awesome seeing so many costumed people. We were lucky because we stayed at my wife's brother's house just north of Atlanta, and brought our own food, so the cost was mainly just the membership, plus a couple of items bought in the vendors area.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 23:48 |
That's cool Tim. We have yet to attend on multiple days, but I'd love to do so.